
Yug Yug Key Avathaar Thum Hi Hoo

Yug Yug Key Avathaar Thum Hi Hoo
Merey Ram Merey Shyaam Shirdi Sai Parthi Ram
Jag Key Paalan Haar Thum Hi Ho
Allah Eshwar Therey Naam
Sabko Sanmati Do Bhagawaan
Allah Eshwar Therey Naam Shirdi Sai Parthi Ram
Jag Key Paalan Haar Thum Hi Ho

(You are the avathar of the Age. You are my Ram, You are my Krishna, You are the One who resided at Shirdi, You are the One at Parthi. You are the caretaker of the universe. Your name is also Allah, Your name is also Eshwar)